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Spell Checker

To: "Bryan Heitkotter" <>, <>
Subject: Spell Checker
From: Barry Spencer <>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 23:31:33 -0800
    Even if you had a spell checker.  It still wouldn't spell COLOUR 
correctly :>)))))))

BAARY  :>))))   NO,NO,NO I don't what to receive a hundred e-mails about 
the English spelling/language .......

Jane, don't even start :>))))))

At 06:44 PM 12/14/00 -0800, Bryan Heitkotter wrote:
>Would you folks believe I don't have a spell checker?
>Anyone have one handy?   Am curious what it would suggest for me. :)
>Bryan Heitkotter
>'87 MR2  ,

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