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RE: No reruns when a DNF is scored

To: Jim Ochi <>,
Subject: RE: No reruns when a DNF is scored
From: craig boyle <>
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 12:44:06 -0700 (PDT)
--- Jim Ochi <> wrote:
> At 03:16 PM 10/10/2001 -0400,
> wrote:

> Don't forget figure-8 racing, or demolition derby! 
> :-)
> Jim

Sad story:

At the tender age of 2 3/4, I remember watching
watching American figure 8 racing on British TV. I
thought this was great stuff, how could anything be
more fun? It motivated me to study hard and emigrate
to America at the earliest opportunity. Sadly, when I
arrived, starry eyed and diplomas in hand, 15 short
years ago, Figure 8 racing had vanished. 

Happy ending: I took up autox instead of becoming a
figure 8 racer.

Craig  1/2 :-) 
Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.

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