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Re: Getting my spouse licensed to race

To: "MrPepsi (Brent Johnson)" <>
Subject: Re: Getting my spouse licensed to race
From: "John J. Stimson-III" <>
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 13:27:40 -0700
For autocrossing in SFR SCCA events, you both need memberships.  That
can either be done as a family membership, or she can buy a "spouse"
membership for like ten bucks.  She could also get her own individual
membership but that would be a waste of money.

On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 12:33:18PM -0700, MrPepsi (Brent Johnson) wrote:
> So now what? I had two people that stated that all I need to do is sign up
> for a family membership, and two that said she needs her own memebership. 
> If I sign up for a family membership, can she race my car?
> Or...does she need her own membership?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: MrPepsi (Brent Johnson)
> To: ''
> Sent: 4/26/02 10:20 AM
> Subject: Getting my spouse licensed to race
> When you sign up for a license with SCCA you are able to include your
> spouse
> on the form. I wasn't married when I signed up, and she wasn't sure she
> would be interested. But now I am married and she is. I would like to
> add my
> wife at my renewal time which is next month. Does anyone know how I can
> get
> her a license to race? I have submitted this same question to,
> with
> no response. 
> Thanks
> Mr Pepsi
> Brent

--                                              John Stimson                              HMC Physics '94

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