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Re: Loti

To:, "Lolita and Mike" <>,
Subject: Re: Loti
From: "John F. Kelly Jr." <>
Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 00:24:12 -0400
-------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------

Message text written by "Scot Zediker"

> As for being available in the US, I'm pretty sure I have seen a couple
> MJ

The point is that these cars are only available in the States through the
gray market.

-------------------- End Original Message --------------------

Look again Scott. Lotus has its corporate offices in Atlanta. They've been
there since General Motors owned the business. At the last two Auto Shows
in San Francisco there has been a Lotus display. Doubt they'd be selling
cars that way via the "gray Market."
        When I needed a part for our Lotus I contacted Lotus in Atlanta and
they referred me to a dealer in Sonoma at Sears Point for the part I

        As part of the discussion concerns D Prepared which has lots of MGs
and Fiats in it, it has been my observation there hasn't been an MG or Fiat
sports car imported into the U.S. in nearly two decades. That's 20 years.
        There have been more Lotus cars imported legally into the U.S. in
that time frame than Fiats or MGs. 
        The Lotus 7 rights were sold by Colin Chapman to Caterham, Lotus'
largest dealer. Caterham continues to produce the 7 and there were seven of
them plus a real Lotus Super 7 competing in E Production at the Mid-Ohio
Runoffs last September. Obviously our road racing counterparts CONTINUE to
accept the 7 as a real production car. The eight 7s constituted a strong
percentage of the 30+ car field at Mid-Ohio. Caterham has several dealers
in the U.S.
        At several recent Oakland events a long-time friend of mine, Joe
Hawkins, brought his new Caterham 7 over for me to see. It's licensed for
the street and he drives it around Alameda. (Unfortunately Joe has had a
personal physical problem develop and I'm not sure how he's doing these
past two weeks. His wife's cryptic e-mail has left me hanging.)

        There is a fairly strong Lotus Club in existence although no where
near as big as the Porsche Club of America. The SFR Solo II Steering
Committee has agreed to rent its timing gear to the Lotus Club for their
major event in Monterey this fall which will have track days at Laguna Seca
and an autocross on a Friday at Marina Airport.

--John Kelly

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