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Thank you!

Subject: Thank you!
From: (Ben)
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 17:42:41 -0800 (PST)
To You;

           Brooks Talley and the People that help out with this last
weekends event, THANK YOU VERY MUCH with out you finding chair people
would be very hard thing to do, because who would want to do all the
            I didn't get a list of people who volunteer to wake up very
early in the morning and get to the site to help out with the course and
motorhome, it went very smooth all day, I didn't have to look for my co
chair all day, he was just there.

              Can't wait till next year

DSP #60              
Merc, Capri          
Racing is life. All the rest is just waiting. 

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