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Re: Somewhat found #394

Subject: Re: Somewhat found #394
From: (James A. Isbell)
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 22:30:14 -0600
>As far as i know the design was always a glue on deal. When mine fell out i
>called Terry and he told me about retrofitting the window to work with like a
>Nova door channel or some such arrangement. It sounded good but too much work.
>So i used i believe a 3M product and followed the article.  Pugs  

Well, on #23 it was a clamp on bottom rail connected directly to the riser.
There are no end channels, thats true, but the bottom IS a clamp on.

 on board 44' ketch "Millennium Falcon"
         "Its the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve
                                        Han Solo


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