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Re: rust (again)

Subject: Re: rust (again)
From: Jim Isbell <>
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 08:58:46 -0500
At 07:33 PM 5/13/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Greetings from PA,
>    So far, most discussions about rust have been about saving the 
>chasis from the outside.  I was talking to members of the local Triumph
>sports car club, and they all swear about a product called wax/oil
>( I think ). Anyway, it comes in a garden type sprayer arrangement with
>hose and nozzles for protecting the inside of chasis box channels,
>doors, etc.   The phone number to order is 1-888-854-4081  and
> the cost is $54.95.  I intend to apply this to 2157 this winter,
>and POR-15 on the outside surfaces. BTW- Hey Riley, I too am going 
>broke fixing up the brick- Great fun being one of the few, the proud,
>the Bricklin owners squad !

As the owner of a steel ketch I was concerned about the rust in the bilge.
There were some large flakes of rust that were 1/4" thick and I wondered
about the strength of the hull.  Then I found out that steel expands 16 to
1 when it rusts.  Those 1/4" flakes of rust represented 15 thousands of an
inch off of the total thickness of 187 thousands of steel.  That is less
than 10% of the steel gone in 20 years of operation.  I was worrying over

Before you get all up tight, see how much steel you have left, it may
surprise you.
                                    Cheers,  Jim

"Better an outlaw than not free."  Nance Oneil

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