Fellow Bricklin owners you're welcome to come to Gimli Manitoba on
Sunday July11th for Cruisin Gimli Beach. As a member of the local
"Gimli Car Club" I'm helping to put on a 26 km. cruise from Matlock to
Gimli followed by a show & shine (200 -225 cars) on Main Street.
Currently there are 7 Bricklins confirmed to come & 3 others are
contemplating the journey. There will be photo ops on our beautiful
harbour (largest in Western Canada) & also on the shores of Lake
Winnipeg. We also have NHRA drags on the same weekend just a mile out
of town! Please email or phone 204-642-8329 me for more info. It would
be great to see 10 Bricklins in the same show! Are there any larger
gatherings of Bricklins in Canada this year? Enjoy the summer cruisin
in your Bricklin! We're so lucky!!!
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