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Re: Selling/buying a car

To: "John T. Blair" <>
Subject: Re: Selling/buying a car
Date: Sun, 09 Sep 2007 08:06:22 -0600
Recently I sold #2745 via craigslist of Denver. It was purchased by a 
previous Bricklin owner in San Jose, CA.
The buyer went to his local bank (Wa-Mu) and electronically transfered 
the funds to a local bank in Colorado (Wa-Mu)
That bank cut me a check to cover the purchase of #2745. It was the 
safest and easy way to make this transaction.
If anything went wrong it was the banks fault and they would have to 
cover it, not me.

I would recommend this type of transaction wherever possible. Takes the 
worry out of a sale.


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