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Funny little round things?

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Funny little round things?
From: Dangerous Dan <mit-eddie!!CSCON115@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 90 18:45 EST
Yes, it is another question about my Jag.

My E-type is a 2+2. (That means it has a "backseat" that could fit
a hamster or two) 
The hardtop coupe has no backseat, just a big
storage area. The hardtop coupe has a board that bolts in to stop
bags and junk from slamming into your back when you stop fast.

Now for the question. Under each back window is a round, ugly,
knob that has a hole up the center of it. 
( I call it a KNOB because i dont know what else to call it )      
I know it is a stock part because the interrior trim is talored around it. 
And, I have also seen these knobs in other E-Types. 

I have never seen the hardtop coupe (see paragraph 1) in person but
I've seen the interrior pictures in some of the repair manuals.
The board that mounts up in the back of the hardtop coupe is pictured
in a manual I just got. This board *DOES NOT* bolt to the knobs.
The Knobs are visable in the picture but still, no mention of
what they are there for.

My question is: What are the two Knobs used for? They are not there
to mount up the board for the hardtop coupe. So what the @$%# are they!!!

- Dan Weding

* .... (that cat) streched out a lazy claw and spiked a young onlooker in   *
*  his tracks.  It was too easy.  The great cat yawned and looked away.     *
*  - Car and Driver, (June 1990) : Jaguar's Glorious E-Type                 *
*   //\\  __  _  _ ___  __  __  ___  _  _ ___      //\\  __  _  ________\   *
*  // // /_/ /| / / _  /_  /_/ /  / /  / /__      // // /_/ /| /        /   *
* //_// / / / |/ /__/ /__ / \ /__/ /__/ ___/     //_// / / / |/             *
*            Internet address: UOFT02.UTOLEDO.EDU,             *

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