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Re: Bill Sohl, Spitfire wheels

Subject: Re: Bill Sohl, Spitfire wheels
From: (W. H. Sohl)
Date: 7 Aug 1991 12:50 EDT
>From bcr!!cook Wed Aug  7 12:03:02 1991
>I'm not sure he's getting the list mail either, Philip.  I also get
>bounces on his name/path.  Bill, if you do get this, can you help
>us gin up a better address?
>       - Dale

I have been receiving british-cars postings
on a very regular basis.  My own posting to!british-cars usually reappear as
incoming mail within a few hours.  Soooooo,
I don't understand the bounce messages you
may be getting.  

I do know that there's a small number of
situations that seem to be one-directional
problems.  Phil may be one of them.

Anyway, here's my usual sign piece, and after it
is a few more comments on my address
Bill Sohl   (K2UNK)            ||  email
Bellcore, Morristown, NJ       ||   UUCP    bcr!taichi!whs70
(Bell Communications Research) ||    or
201-829-2879 Weekdays          || Internet

Another possible address convention that may work for some
folks is:!taichi!whs70

The way we are structured here at Bellcore is as follows:
the gateway to our entire unix environment is known as
"bcr"  or   ""

Under the gateway are a number of internal systems (eg. taichi)
that are not known to the email mapping/routing information that
is shared around the usa (perhaps the world).  Those systems
(eg. taichi) are internally identified only.  Use of the internal
system name must be carefully done to avoid creating a situation
whereby an intermediate system (a system that is just passing
the email on from the originator to the bellcore gateway) might
try to read the internal system name (eg. taichi) for routing
purposes.  If that happens, the mail will likely bounce with 
some type of reject message along the lines of "Unknown system,
taichi.  It is possible that perhaps some folks have a problem
if they use their "automatic" reply command which then 
generates the return address from the incoming mail.  Jim
TenCate tells me that when his system does that it screws
up the placement of taichi to the point that some intermidiate
system sees it as a sytem, can't identify it, and then bounces
the email.

As another possible way to "FORCE" email in my direction, you
might try including an adjacent intermediate nde (sstem) that
alot of my email from outside seems to come through.  That system
is: ""

The following, therefore, may work for some folks that have
failed with just my basic address.!bcr!taichi!whs70

So, that will give some additional possibilities, but again I'd
like to mention that email generated automatically from the british-cars
list does get through regularly and apparently without a problem
so I can't explain what the bounced messages might be that you (Dale)
are seeing.


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