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Re: "GIF" files of british cars

To: (British Cars Mailing List)
Subject: Re: "GIF" files of british cars
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 91 11:09:22 PDT
> > Awhile back, someone in the group mentioned that they were interested in
> > posting "GIF" files of british cars.  I now have access to a scanner at 
> > my work (at least temporarily) and have managed to scan in a couple of
> > photos of my TR4A... I'll be happy to post them if anyone is interested.
> Rather than posting them to the entire list, maybe you can convince 
> mjb to make them available at his ftp site, and I'll make them 
> available on the e-mail server.

I was the one who offered to scan in images of british cars from the
local british field meet.  We now  have the 20K Sony colour camera and
associated hardware working but I have been delayed by a recent disk
failure (sorry Lawrence, I got your pictures right here ... any minute
now :-).

I'll scan all I've got and whatever anybody wants to send me.  I still have
to figure out how to convert to GIF.

I'll keep everyone posted.

Rod Barman, Dept. of E.E., University of British Columbia

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