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Found! One BIG Damiler

Subject: Found! One BIG Damiler
From: (Ed Kuspiel)
Date: 22 Jan 1993 16:42:18 -0500 (EST)
I was asked about a year ago to identify a car some had
left in a garrage and then disapeared on the garage owner
who wanted to sell it to get it out of the garage.  I went
to Patterson NJ (an old city in the northern par of the state)
 and was sorry to see the garrage door closed on the trunk of 
the car with this back end exposed to the elements and rodents.  
I opended the  door the rest of the way to find that the reason 
the car was sticking out was that it was about 20 feet long.  After
getting the hood open I found that it was a Damilar.  Further research 
on the chassis number reveiled that it was a P36(?) 1953 limo.
This thing had the prettiest straight 8, intact aluminum body
and complete dash and controls.  The interior was rodent eaten
and pissed on by several generations of cats. The entire roof was
a canvas moon roof.  The tires seemed original as they said Made 
in Great Britain on them. The muffler was missing.  I wish I had 
the money and time to do it up.  Any interrested, I can see 
if its still around.    

Ed Kuspiel

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