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soldering thanks...

Subject: soldering thanks...
From: (James A. TenCate)
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 92 09:50:38 -0600
Enough already!  :-)  :-)  Seriously, THANKS to everyone who replied.  In
addition to all the responses you've all read, I got just about as many
private replies.  Summary?  About 2/3 of you said to solder, 1/3 to crimp
(and a few suggested both).  What did I decide?

I used a zinc chloride paste flux for the old wires.  I'm afraid this
IS the stuff that a plumber might use on pipes.  However, our techs here use
it to solder electrical stuff.  However, they're soldering buss bars onto
chair-sized capacitors(!) and not little "tiny" wires.  I should've checked
before I used it BUT, too late now.  I DID try and clean off the residual
flux and on the NEW wires I used resin-core solder so I suspect I'll be OK.
Yes, I DID stagger the splices and I DID use heat shrink.  I also taped
the harness up with high temp glass fiber tape too (that's what was originally
on there).  See, these wires go right over top of the catalytic converter.
HOT!!!  Hope the heat shrink doesn't burn up!  Anyway, the harness is now
complete so tomorrow it all goes back together and my TR8 will start again!

Happy motoring to all!

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