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Re: Discount leather?

To: akgua!att!att!!border@hoosier (Ryan A. Border),
Subject: Re: Discount leather?
Date: Thu, 6 May 93 08:08 EDT's a case where I know just enough to be dangerous.
My mother-in-law recently gave me a Large plastic bag of the 
most beautiful leather I ever seen.  Greys, tans, suede (swade)..
A friend of hers does the interiors of corporate jets.  According
to her, the FAA has decided that the present thickness of leather
for airplanes is a fire hazard and the thickness needs to be 
increased by a milimeter or so, (as government agencies are wont
to do)  He had to discard his leather and buy thicker leather.
Why don't you check with people that do airplane interiors and 
see if this is correct.  If so, you may get a real deal.  The 
biggest piece of leather that I got was roughly 3'-4' x 5'.  I
did not get enough to do my MGA seats in one color.  I thought
about buying the leather dyeing kit that the Rolls Royce sells
but a friend told me that the seats would hold up better if 
they were all vat-dyed the same color.  Good luck

Don Mathis

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