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Re: British Cars Digest #927 Fri Sep 3 01:15:00 MDT 1993

Subject: Re: British Cars Digest #927 Fri Sep 3 01:15:00 MDT 1993
From: "Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521" <>
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 93 07:32:40 PDT
Jim Fuerstenberg on crossflow heads for A-series;

8port or crossflow heads are also made for minis (and therefore
spridgets). They are repros or remanufactured Arden 8 ports.  You
get the head, the cam(which is different than the 5 port style), the
intake, exhaust header and fuel injection setup for 2508
sterling...If you forego the injection, I think it is something like
1000sterling less...then you can install webers or 4 amals.  The
head were in alloy or iron, I think you can only get the new ones in

I have seen this installation once...on a Landar R7 sports
racer(mini powered).  It had the twin webers on long manifolds, a
S/C close ratio box and LSD and 14.5 to 1 compression...must have
been fun to drive.  

     >>I've seen this installation too and it is an awesome
     sight. Mini-Mania West has pictures all across the back
     wall of "Team Mini Mania" cars, one of which is a Mini
     with this head & twin DCOEs. It took me a minute of
     looking at it to realize that the carbs were facing
     *forward* on this car, and did not appear to be the
     type of installation that only utilised one of the
     venturis. Hmmmmmm. Apparently it is pretty potent.


     Daren "My checkbook says 5 ports, but my heart 8" Stone

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