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Bits and Bytes

Subject: Bits and Bytes
From: Christopher Ball <>
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 1994 15:33:16 -0500 (EST)
Well, there were a number of answers regarding the odd valve cover colour 
on the Healey. It turns out that it's called Florida Blue. Several folks 
confirmed that.  The most interesting remark came from a fellow in 
England who also had one the same colour andwas told when he asked that 
it was not a very popular colour so it was being used up on other under 
hood bits while the usual colour was unavailable. 

My own valve cover has now been coated in the more usual colour and looks 
a lot better for it.

MG BLOWERS - this were available as an after market add on and are 
currently being reproduced by MOSS, in limited quantity I believe. It was 
announced back in the fall I think it was, in the new products section of 
one of their tea paper newsletters which I recieved with an order. They 
were pricey needless to say.

As several other people have mentioned you really have to order 
regularily and persist to get a catalogue from MOSS at times. I've twice 
ordred stuff over the phone and told them that I was restoring a Spit 
1500 but I'm yet to receive the catalogues that I ask for each time. Odd, 
because other than that MOSS has been very helpful.

OIL TO THE TOP - In the TRF Winter Sale you can get the external oil line 
for the Spit as a freebee in the 300.00 level. It about 35.00 otherwise. 
It's a quick bolt on  job using holes already in the block. A very good 
idea for the 1500. You could also have a free picnic hamper but I know 
I'll get flamed on that one !

DAVID HULME - could out comsume who? Not Aristotle the bugger for the 
bottle Scott F ! 

THat's from me, but I would like to say that it's been minus 40 degrees 
(it's the same at F or C at this point) in Ontario and we are now 
suffering a huge ice storm that has renderd any driving almost 
impossible. I can't even sit in the Healey for fear of cracking the 
vynil. As a result I would like you all the refrain from emntioning 
driving for four weeks. Until we reach March the population of Ontario 
SOLS reach an almost unsable mental condition. ;-)

The new clutch for the TR3 arrived today my wife tells me, along with all 
new trunnions and U joints for the Spitfire so when it warms up to , og 
say three degrees above freezing, I'll put on the sun tan lotion and go 
for a drive.


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