I was wondering if there is any opinion on the use of high-quality (grade
8), split-type lock-washers on the rod bolts in place of those funky,
hard-to-find lock-tabs. I really hated to put those archaic things on
when I was rebuilding my TR4a engine, but I was worried about the
alternatives. I knew that Loctite broke down at fairly low temperatures,
but I was worried that lockwashers would 1) be thicker than the lock-tab
material, 2) not weigh the same as the lock-tab (it goes all the way
across the bottom of the rod) and upset the precision balance of my
tractor motor. So I tracked the dumb things down and installed them.
Are my objections to grade 8 split lock-washers valid? Also, on the use
of spring compressors on the front end; I don't recommend this to anyone
but offer it as a comment that I have never had the patience for doing it
the proper way and have always just used a jack under the trunion to
relieve pressure on the upper ball-joint, pushed the bolts out, and
lowered the whole mess down. Then I just grab the spring and yank it
out. It has worked about 4 times now, every time I have to replace those
cheap, gum-rubber upper control-arm bushings.