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TR6 Oil Pressure

Subject: TR6 Oil Pressure
From: Richard Smith <>
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 1994 00:32:56 -0600
Mike Ladwig wrote:

>Now here's my question: assuming that the valve fix _doesn't_ improve my
>oil pressure, should I be doing bearings & oil pump work immediately, or
>can it wait a while?  A Porsche fanatic friend (my father) believes that as
>long as it's moving oil (above 5psi idle), I can live with it.

One of the great things about the Triumph 6-cylinder engine is the amount
of wear it will tolerate and still keep working!

I always offer the same advice for these engines - the oil pressure thing
comes up frequently. If the engine has done about 60K - 70K miles, then
it's time to get the crank ground, put in new shells and an oil pump, and
the lump will go on for another 60-70 thousand without any trouble. The
only real problem with Mr. Triumphs' engine (or should I say Mr. Standards'
engine?) is that it's a bit short of bearing area, so this is the bit that
fails first.

One other thing - if you've an Injection TR6 with the 125BHP 'emissions'
engine, the camshaft and followers (lifters?) will need changing at about
the same time - this is the infamous 'three-ring' cam which wears like

Richard Smith (

Antique Auto restorer, Agricultural engineer, shepherd, electrician,
electronics design engineer (in order of income!)

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