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Address needed for Burlin Fuel Systems

Subject: Address needed for Burlin Fuel Systems
From: "Jester" <>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 1994 00:05:39 EST
I caught a piece of a digest that mentioned a catalog from Burlin Fuel
Systems that contained parts for rebuilding SU carbs.  The only thing
that I did not catch/see was a meathod of getting the catalog.  If anyone
caught this information and has it hanging around could you please
forward the information to me.


  I was at TRF Summer Party on the weekend.  It was a great time for
  everyone.  Yes it was windy, but not as windy as '92.  Yes it did rain
  but that did not stop the people from enjoying all the nice cars.  My
  hat goes off to Dana, Charles and all the other people at TRF for putting
  on a great event.

     |  Jester!   A student of life, the universe, and AutoCAD      |
     |  ILC doesn't want my opinion so I don't give it for them!!!  |
     |  email  -> <>                             |

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  • Address needed for Burlin Fuel Systems, Jester <=