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Re: Winter wonderland

Subject: Re: Winter wonderland
From: Duncan Bryan <bryan@Roborough.gpsemi.COM>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 16:57:42 +0100
Regarding putting WD-40 in your door locks. DON'T!!!

My old Citroen CX door locks ended up suffering from the
'stick anything in it and turn ' syndrome. WD-40 seems to remove
the very fine lock barrel (graphite probably ) lubricant. 

I've not got anything against WD-40, but it isn't going near any of
my car door locks EVER again.

There are a few naffo heated rod type things that people bought 
a few years ago ( until they started setting fire to their trouser
pockets ). 

I usually just heat up my key ( or even better another key ) just to
de-ice your lock.

Happy handbrake turning in the snow James.
Why else do we have a mini?


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