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starter woes

Subject: starter woes
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 94 10:37 EST
Winter must be approaching - because I am having the same 
problem on the Midget, that I have been having the past 3 winters.

Wondering if any body can shed some light !!!!

As soon as the temp. drops to about 30C, I hit the start button, and
all I hear is the starter struggling to turn the engine over. I don't
think this morning, that the starter managed to turn the engine a full
360 deg.
HOWEVER - if i wait until the temp creeps up slightly, I hit the start
button again, and the starter engages quite briskly and off we go.

This probelm only happens on cold mornings - during the spring/summer/fall,
everything is fine.

I have checked the following :
All battery cables, cleaned, shiney, and sealed
Battery seems to be okay (I shall check voltages tonight)
Starter, is about 3 years old
Oil is 5/30 weight
Soledoid contacts are clean and sealed from moisture.

Do I have a dying starter ? This morning I just kept the starter button
dpressed for about 20 seconds, opened the hood, and felt that the 
starter was warm, but still did not have the "guts" to turn the engine

Anybody have other clues ?

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