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Walker Mufflers

Subject: Walker Mufflers
Date: Sun, 4 Dec 1994 21:32:50 -0500
During a recent rebuild of my LBC ( '61 TR3A ) I used a Walker center
muffler. The first one was defective according to the Midas folks.

 I installed the muffler but could not get to it to be quiet. Thinking that I
had done something wrong, I broought it to a shop that does mufflers all day
long. They inspected th work and said I did a good job but that the muffler
was bad internally. I removed it and sent it back to Moss Motors, who cheerful
ly sent me another Walker Muffler.
It seemed alright at first but, it is now around a year and a half later and
this muffler has a has developed a hole in the  base part of the muffler just
above the exit pipe on the back side.

Can it be I just have terrible luck with mufflers or is there something I
should know about Walker Mufflers and should I be buying something else. I
just received a new muffler from the Roadster factory, and it a Walker(:>(
  Is there a better way to go? Shouldn't these things last a little longer
than a year and a half.

Noisey in Boston

TR3 61@AOL.COM    Chuck Centore

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