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Whence cometh dizzy vacuum?

Subject: Whence cometh dizzy vacuum?
From: "A. B. Bonds" <>
Date: 18 Dec 1994 10:16:48 -0600
Re the thread on carb or manifold vacuum for distributors.  The
Authoritative answer is, It Depends.  At least so far as the MGB is
concerned, there were many different revs of carb and advance
mechanisms.  Some connect to the carbs, some connect to the manifolds.
For example, the 73 uses manifold vacuum whilst both earlier and later
models require carb vacuum.  At this point you correctly surmise that
I'm mealy-mouthing -- but I do have a chart (at home) that I will
summarize in the next day or so.

Bottom line--there is no general rule, and you should derive vacuum on
the basis of the original application for which the dizzy was

                                A. B. Bonds

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