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Re: nachtmares, brains, etc.

To: (Will Zehring),
Subject: Re: nachtmares, brains, etc.
From: (David Ambrose)
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 1994 08:53:04 -0800
At 09:08 AM 29/12/94 +0500, Will Zehring wrote:
>Fellow fiends:
>Okay, so I had this pretty ugly nightmare last night (You remember the scene 
>in "Young Frankenstein" with Terri Garr?).  It starts with me out in the 
>garage, inspecting "Old Whitesides" ('63 B) with a flash light (I guess I'm 
>suffering separation anxiety with the winter) when I noticed all sorts of 
>fluids leaking from it:
>-gasoline was dripping from two points on the gas tank (at least one of 
>which I remember was where the fuel level float screws to the tank).
>-oil was dripping from... the rocker pannels  =:o (but only on the passenger 
>and last but not least:
>-a brilliant green fluid was leaking from brake pipes routed along the hood. 
> Don't ask me why brake pipes were routed along the hood.  But, there were 
>about four of them and they had fittings the size of fire hose fittings, all 
>painted black and corroded.  The entire engine compartment was painted 
>black.  The fluid was a brilliant green like coolant, but was not sweet to 
>the taste (this was a very complete dream; I don't ever remember dreaming 
>about flavors before), but bitter, as if it actually was brake fluid (?).
>The dream concludes with me absolutely freaking out that my car was a total 
>mess and that I would have to rebuild the whole d**n thing.  Horror!!!!  
>Seriously, it was a very vivid dream; the sort that when you do wake up you 
>feel a genuine sense of relief that it turns out it wasn't actually true.
>"Good" friends say I don't have the personality to own British cars.  "Good" 
>friends say I'm to "punctilious" and should own a Porsche or some such 
>soul-less monster.  "Good" friends say these cars will drive me crazy.  Even 
>my brother wonders why the heck I own those cars (he drives a 911).  
>Needless to say, I have disagreed with them so far.  
>On the other hand, what the H**L does this dream mean?  One side of my brain 
>is doing a number on the other side.  My question is: which side?
        Fortunately, we can help you.  The dripping fluids are a symbolic of 
your mother. When you didn't like the taste,  your subconscious was telling 
you that you've grown up and you no longer need nurturing.  Now,  the fluids 
dripping onto the ground.  That must represent your anal-expulsive side 
trying to break free.  However,  your punctilious nature revolts at this 
possibility.  The fittings become very large and strong trying to restrain 
the leaks.  This is a truly absurd notion in a British car so the locations 
become stranger and stranger until it becomes a nightmare and not just a 
wierd dream.

        Now,  if you can understand this reasoning,  I have some amazing new 
psychotherapy procedues.  They are, of course experimental,  but there's no 
reason to believe they won't be effective.

        Please make an appoint with my secretary.  I'm now quite sure we can 
iron this out with a year or two of psychoanalysis.

        Dave "It's just a d*mn cigar!" Ambrose

Oh shit (there's that anal expulsive again!)  I forgot the smileys.  
Sprinkle liberally above.  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)
Play it cool,  play it cool,  fifty-fifty fire and ice.
Dave Ambrose

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