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Re: Dehumidifiers

Subject: Re: Dehumidifiers
From: dan_boughton@MENTORG.COM (Daniel Boughton)
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 95 14:48:45 -0800
Ray asks about light bulbs versus goldenrods, TeriAnn says "they didn't
look that great to me at west marine".

I say:

I vote for the vented heater box for my boat.  I keep it on the water year
round in tacoma and while I could use a BIG lightbulb I feel funny about
leaving it up there all alone with one hanging from the pin-rail.

I suppose if you could fab something simple up which you could place on the
floor of your boat which would take a BIG lightbulb (I have used 250w in the
past) to dehumidify without catching things on fire and you could do it on
the cheap then it might be worth it.


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