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RE: Rocky Mountain High

To: "''" <>,
Subject: RE: Rocky Mountain High
From: "Scheuble, Fred J., HiServ/NA" <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 13:56:45 -0400
I hear ya, and I don't think 9 out of 10 4x4 are being used for what the
were intended for

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2000 12:31 PM
Subject: Rocky Mountain High

Sort of LBC related:
I used to love going to the Rockies.  Actually, I still do, just haven't
for years (wow, I just realized it's been 11 years).  Anyway, one of the
reasons I used to love going (aside from the high altitude fresh air and
beautiful surroundings) was to experience the whole surrounds, which
included the 4x4s.  Yes, the 4x4s.  It was just a sign of being there that
I was surrounded by Ford Broncos, Audi Quattros, and lots of Jeeps (all
with their green mountain license plates and with the old Bronco "D" bumper
stickers), rather than the cars and sports cars I was used to seeing in Los
Angeles.  On the way home yesterday, driving through the hills, I sort of
got that Rockies feeling.  I realized it was because I was surrounded by
4x4s that were not being put to any real use.  How sad.


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