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Forwarded: Re: TR3A storage

Subject: Forwarded: Re: TR3A storage
From: List Administration <>
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 21:29:25 -0700 (MST)
For some reason, this was sent to me rather than
Reply to author, not me.


------- Start of forwarded message -------
     From: "John Elliott" <>
     Subject: Re: british-cars-digest V1 #353
     Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 18:21:41 -0000

At last, someone has asked about something I really know about!

We can assume that your storage area is too damp. You could measure the
humidity with a hygrometer. I won't quote numbers because these devices
vary, but keep one inside your house for a while and then put it out it in
the car. Any difference in the readings? Any difference is too much
difference. If you haven't got a hygrometer try leaving some newspaper in
the car for a couple of days. Is it crinkly and dry (good) or soft (bad).

OK, if the area is too damp then you need to get the moisture out and then
keep it out. I use a de-humidifier in my garage, it takes about half a litre
of water per day from the air in the garage. It would be more but the
concrete floor has been relaid with a pvc damp-proof membrane beneath, and
if that had been impractical I would have laid a sheet of pvc down on the
floor and covered it with Masonite (I think that's the USA name, we call it
hardboard in the UK) sheets which makes a pleasant working surface. Line the
walls and ceiling as well. The pvc can be had in big sheets at builders'
suppliers. If you need to divide an area of the garage from an exposed part,
nail a batten to the ceiling and the floor and hang a sheet of pvc between
them. Seal the joins with tape. If you can afford it, a little bit of heat
help the dehumidifier a lot.

The overall cost of damp-proofing the storage area has got to be less than
dealing with the effects of not doing so. It's the old prevention versus
cure thing!
John Elliott
TR7 FHC Russet Brown
3.9/edelbrock 500/GM180
TR7/8 Registrar
TR Register UK

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