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RE: honesty

To: Triumphs <>,
Subject: RE: honesty
From: Mike Rambour <>
Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2002 10:43:48 -0800

   A short while ago, I won a auction for a item on e-bay a few weeks ago 
for the most expensive item I have ever bid on.  It was $430 and I sent the 
seller my address and asking how he wanted to be paid, etc.  His reply was 
something like "Hi, shipping was $26 and ......"   I was shocked, he had 
sent it that afternoon before any communication on how to get him the 
money, etc.

  My experience with E-bay is that sellers usually wait until they have 
money before they ship, this one was the exception.

   I have only purchased 6 items on e-bay but they all waited until my 
money was there which by the way is the way I would do it myself.  I don't 
believe he is out of line here doing it this way.  And then changing your 
mind afterwards is a second reason for him to stick to his guns.  It has 
nothing to do with not trusting you or questioning your honesty, it is 
strictly good common sense because not everyone out there is as honest as 
the people on this list.


~~~~~ I'd rather be sailing and  ~~~ .oooO  Oooo.  ~~~~~~~~~~~
Mike Rambour                                   (    )  (     )    
Bug Writer er...Programmer                \   )   (   /                  \_)  (_/  
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