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Re: LBC sighting (was: Modernizing Old British Cars)

Subject: Re: LBC sighting (was: Modernizing Old British Cars)
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 08:53:40 -0800 (PST)
> The sun has come back out in SoCA, it seems some people have their toys out
> today ...
> Saw a nice looking AC Cobra, bright red of course.  A replica no doubt, but
> nicely done and very pretty, IMO.  Even had Lucas taillights, which true to
> form could not be seen against the CA sun.

Tell me about it!!  I've been nearly rear-ended a number of times,
because of this.  However, I did find a solution.  Dave Bean Engineering
sells (or at least used to sell) two element Halogen tail light bulbs.
These makes a huge difference.

These bulbs do have one disadvantage, though.  They get much hotter than
standard bulbs do.  Fortunately the tail lights on Cobras (and Aces with
the same lights) are not enclosed, so this isn't a problem.

> Got to thinking about this thread ... which do you suppose is more valuable
> today ?
> An original AC Ace, or the first one that Carroll Shelby modified ?
> :-^

Original Cobras, by far.  

> Randall


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