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Re: meek MIG melting aluminum? MJB welder fund

Subject: Re: meek MIG melting aluminum? MJB welder fund
From: "Mark J. Bradakis" <>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 11:30:47 -0700
Thanks for the kind words.  As far as donations go, it is getting close to
the annual Team.Net spring fund drive.  Maybe that will assist in getting
some extra funds after covering the expenses so I can look into upgrading
my welder.  But direct contributions to the Fat Chance Garage Tool and
Beverage fund are always appreciated!

For those who don't know or remember about the various fund drives, look at or
to find out what that's all about.  I may actually hint, if not outright
declare, what day is my brithday on one of those.  And this year it will
be one of those divisible by 10, drat.


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