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Chapman Race Car Philosophy

To: "'rebean@CCGATE.HAC.COM'" <rebean@CCGATE.HAC.COM>
Subject: Chapman Race Car Philosophy
From: "A. Sta. Maria" <>
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 1997 13:07:29 +-800

I had wanted to say that history would not support Steve's point on =
mid-engine placement "as ACBC intended,"  but as usual was too indirect.

Your point on Chapman's philosophy was stated very clearly though, and =
it was good you took time to put your thoughts on the list.  I suppose =
the conclusion might be that Chapman's approach and genius were such =
that it would be inaccurate to link him to the mid-engine camp or any =
other school of thought on engine placement.  Given time, and if it =
worked, he might even have tried FWD!  (But perhaps this is unlikely)

Lest Steve misunderstand, I have no bias against mid-engined cars.  I =
have a 1976 Lancia Stratos, which as you know has a Ferrari V6 mounted =
amidships.  It is an exciting car to drive, but is very much a =
specialist car, requiring, as Motorcar pointed out in this September's =
issue, a "specialist driver."  Very nervous, like a race horse, and not =
as immediately confidence building as my Type 45 Elan.

On the other hand, I drove a Lotus 23  for the first time last August, =
at Willow Springs, a new track for me.  That car did wonders for =
confidence, and I felt I could go faster and faster each lap.  User =
friendly.  I am tempted to say, as Peter Egan I think did after a drive =
in Gil Nickel's 23, that this is the best car I have ever driven.  But =
there is really no point in that.  I am sure that an Eleven would be a =
wonderful experience too.  And the 25, etc., etc., They are all great =
cars, excellent in the context of their time, and delightful forever.

I only wish Lotus designed a completely modern body for the Elise.  I =
find it too retro!  But if could justify another sports car, I would get =
one instantly.

Now to get back to that -6 Aeroquip line that I have to thread through =
the backbone chassis with the body and engine already in place ....



Even older Lotuses!  Specially older Lotuses

I agree that the Elise is a breath of fresh air, and the first new Lotus =
I have considered=20

IforThat one point is, perhaps, what  has drawn me to Lotuses more than =

And THAT is what is so exciting to me about the Elise!  It demonstrates =
someone at post-Chapman Lotus still understands, even as almost a whole=20
generation may not.


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