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Nat'l. Meet Location

Subject: Nat'l. Meet Location
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2000 09:37:00 EST
I suggest Washington DC.  Close by are Chesapeake Bay, the Shenandoah 
Mountains, Civil War Battlefields and lots of neat tourist stuff the even 
West Coasters ought to see and appreciate.
Plus, Summit Point, W.VA  (two race tracks) is nearby.  It is neat and 
challenging, with room for track time, solo, show & shine, etc..  It's been a 
stop on One Lap of America, and it was good enough for a National Ferrari 
meet ('course I realize that everyone can have a Ferrari - cheap Maserati 
knock-offs - and there's never been a Ferrari made that could outperform a 
Solex 2000 <g>)
Check out Summit Point at

JH Bahn

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