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Re: (I'm a) riceboy

Subject: Re: (I'm a) riceboy
From: "Stephen McCartney" <>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2000 02:09:45 GMT
Hey guys, I have a confession to make.  I'm a ricer.  That's right.  A true 
Riceboy manages to put performance stickers and labels on his car, for bits 
that just aren't there.  Like a "Type R" badge on a standard Honda Civic.  
or "Ralliart" stickers on a Hyundai.  You know the sort of thing.  Where 
does that fit with me?  A Roadster owner?  Well...

My car has a badge on the back (from a previous owner)just under the Datsun 
badge, that reads "Twin Cam" !

Sorry, there's a ricer in your midst!  8^)


(1968 2000 Solex - Stock!)


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