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Re: Winter transmittion project

To: Guy & Pamela Pepoy <>,
Subject: Re: Winter transmittion project
From: Peter Bucknor <>
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2003 19:43:14 -0700
> Greetings Graeme,
> A very proper question.
> Freezing is when youur backside (your bum) get a tad chilly.
> Freezin is when you have ice crystals blowing out your
> backside...reeeeeally cold.   Never gets that way in Arizona or Floridaaa.

For us Northeners, Freezin is when its cold enough to freeze the balls off
of a brass monkey !
Strange weather here in Calgary, +8 deg C, usually at this time we would be
at -28 deg C, not that I am complaining.
Relatives visiting from Floridaa, however are complaining because there is
no snow.



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