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For the love of Pete cover your car!!

To: <>
Subject: For the love of Pete cover your car!!
From: "Daniel Neuman" <neuman@RadOnc17.UCSF.Edu>
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2003 15:54:19 -0800
        So I often see this roadster parked in SF on Sutter near Scott.
It's a 68 2000 with red oxidized paint and white meatballs with a faded 666
race number.  It does not look to be in too bad of shape except the owner
must not have a top for it.  Its been sitting out in the rain for like the
past week!!!!  If it was a rusted out clunker I could see that but c'mon man
show some respect!!!
        Daniel Neuman
        Oakland CA
        69 2000

p.s. in case you couldn't tell I'm mostly kidding.

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