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NWDOC Fun Run 9/24(Oregon)

Subject: NWDOC Fun Run 9/24(Oregon)
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 19:56:31 EDT
I hope some of the roadster guys in the area will join us for the  fun, I 
don't want to be the lone roadster in the club. We are trying to get the  club 
back up and running so we can continue to put on the Blue Lake/ Canby  meet.
PS: the window stops are going great, thanks still free shipping to list  
In a message dated 9/18/2005 4:37:53 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Next  Saturday: 
Route - Salem - Corvallis via back roads thru Polk and Benton  Counties.
Leave Chalet (Brooks Exit I-5) 8:30 AM and the Safeway parking  lot in
West Salem 9:00 AM.

Arrive Corvallis Jack Scoville Nissan  10ish to meet up with any from the
east and south to continue on to Mary's  Peak southwest of Philomath.
Mary's Peak is the highest point in the coast  range and provides on a
clear day a fantastc view of the valley and  Cascades and the coast range
to the west. There is a short hike to the top  of Mary's Peak viewing
area for those who wish to take it. The forest  Service has a $5 day use
fee for the facilities at the  top.

Following the decent we are planning on having lunch at Ixtapa  in
Philomath. They have a nice room off the main dining area where we  can
be semi private to have lunch and maybe flesh out a plan  for
reactivating NWDOA. 

I'd like to see this happen rain or shine  'cause this club thing needs
to gain momentum now. I think if we all talk  really sweet, Julie and
Lauri would agree to be the organizers and whip  crackers for Canby Fun
'06 but we need to give them the tools to work with  and the club is key
to that effort.

Invite any and all Datsun owners  to attend and make it known that this
will be an all inclusive Datsun Club  not just a 510 club.   


Bruce  Palmer
Salem OR

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