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Re: All fiberglass TR3 ????

To: Alexander Joseph H <>
Subject: Re: All fiberglass TR3 ????
From: Derek Harling <>
Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 20:43:01 -0500
Alexander Joseph H wrote:
> Any one know anything about the history of the car described below?
> Joe
> Maybe someone can help me.  I have 100% fiberglass TR3.  I have been
> unable to locate anyone who knows anything about it.  A friend found it at an 
>abandoned race track in Charleston South Carolina.  The front
> wings, bonnet and nose are molded together.  It tilts forward like a
> Spitfire. It has set so long that the chassis had rusted through.  Any
> ideas?
> Vernon

But was it all fiberglass before the ferrous stuff rusted away?

[nephew of the first guy to run a "modern" Triumph (TR2) at LeMans]

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