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Re: VTR it's my turn

To: "Joe Curry" <>, "'FOT'" <>,
Subject: Re: VTR it's my turn
From: "Gerald M Van Vlack" <>
Date: Sun, 22 May 2005 18:42:49 -0400
Hi Joe,
I didn't intend to single you out but rather to say to those who may have
agreed with your comment to get involved and sponsor a meet. I'd love to
visit Arizona sometime but as you say the Summer isn't the best time to have
an event that's focused around outdoor activities in the Arizona heat.
It turned out that having one in Pennsylvania in the Summer in conjunction
with TRF Summer Party didn't work out too well either because of weather.
But who knew.
Triumphfest sounds like a fun event, I wonder if it could be combined with
VTR in some way.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Curry" <>
To: "'Gerald M Van Vlack'" <>; "'FOT'"
<>; "'Triumphs'" <>
Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2005 5:53 PM
Subject: RE: VTR it's my turn

> Jerry,
> That is easier said than done.  Since Triumphest is rotated among west
> coast clubs, there is little interest on their parts in hosting a VTR
> convention as well.  What's more, they don't require any sort of
> membership to attend.
> As far as getting a convention in Arizona, that will never happen.
> Since it seems to be the edict that VTR be held in the Summer, you will
> either be in the heat or monsoon season.  If it could be done in the
> early Spring, it may be possible.  And there is no Triumph club in the
> Tucson area to host an event anyway.
> Joe
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Gerald M Van Vlack
> Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2005 2:42 PM
> To: FOT; Triumphs
> Subject: VTR it's my turn
> It's money well spent even if the annual convention
> isn't close by your home state. Change that too and get in on the
> rotation.
> There's plenty of places that Triumph owners would love to travel to and
> to
> see people of common interest and like minds.
> Jerry Van Vlack
> VTR # 0691 (somewhere around 1976 I think)

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