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Bugs to watch out for...

Subject: Bugs to watch out for...
From: Brian Kennedy <>
Date: Sat, 25 May 2002 13:21:13 -0500
I've found a few bugs in Geez that I wish I knew about...
so, I figured I'd let others know...

If you're recording and the cable comes out of the Palm,
obviously you'll stop recording... but worse, the software
goes into a state where it won't save the run!  I tried
pressing Stop to get it to save... no such luck.

So, when you reach for the Palm at the end of the run
to stop it... make sure you don't bump the cable out...
I figured it didn't really matter because I was sitting
still... but, in fact, I lost my whole run.

Similar bug... when the batteries start to get low, the
Palm "kindly" gives you popup warnings to change your
batteries.  But if it does that during a run, it will
stop the recording... and again, in such a way that it
doesn't save the run!

So, don't let the batteries get close to low... and be
careful not to knock loose the cable before you've saved
the run.


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