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Re: Engine Oil Pump Replacement Questions.

To: frogeye@swcp.com, rdavies1@cox.net, SJNNOCK@aol.com,
Subject: Re: Engine Oil Pump Replacement Questions.
From: GLWilkieAlaska@aol.com
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 02:04:48 EDT
Dear Esteemed and Knowledgeable Gentlemen,

Thank you so much for your advice and recommendations with regard to the 
replacement of my engine Oil Pump.

I followed the consensus, which was to pack my new Oil Pump with Engine 
Assembly Lube. I split the pump-casing, and really packed the Lube in. This 
kind of 
blew me away somewhat, as I wouldn't have done that, left to my own devices. 
I understand that this not only lubricated the new Oil Pump upon initial start 
up, but also primed the new Oil Pump.

I'll skip the hassles of reassembling the whole shebang and go to the good 
bits. It was with extreme anxiety, that I sat in the car to check my (and your) 
handiwork. I have to confess, that the palms of my hands were sweating and 
almost trembling as I turned the key. With plenty of choke, and once the 
of the fuel pump subsided, it was time...

"Oh please God, I don't ask you for much, but please, let this work"

The engine burst into life with that familiar and satisfying roar...but what 
about the oil pressure? My eyes were glued to the gauge. (Happy-Hour depended 
on the next few seconds...this was crucial.) After a few tortured moments of 
anxiety, the rebuilt gauge's needle lifted slowly up to 55 PSI. "Oh, thank you 
God, I have oil pressure!"

Unable to resist the urge to "try-it-out", I donned some warm clothes (it's 
about to snow up here any day now) and took my beloved for a drive down Turn 
Again Arm in the black of the night. Much to my delight, the oil pressure has 
jumped from 40 psi at cruising speeds to 50 psi at around 4500 rpm. It seems 
faster I go, the better the pressure gets, but I understand that that is 
inherent with the Gear-Type Oil Pumps, installed on the later cars.

Just thought that you might want to know the result of the operation. Dad and 
his baby are doing just fine. Mom's feeling a bit left out though....


Graham Wilkie
HBJ8L / 32382

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