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[Healeys] Factory Hardtop

Subject: [Healeys] Factory Hardtop
From: btreen at telus.net (Bryan Treen)
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2011 11:12:33 -0700

Like Gergo, I too am a bit unsure how the seals go together.  I have all the
bits from Bill Boulton, and his instruction sheet.  But after looking closely
at all the photos of installed hardtops I could find, it seems that they
differ from what I understand is the correct procedure.  Most photos seem to
show a seal resting on the rear cowl visible on the OUTSIDE of the Hardtop.
The instructions seem to show the seals hidden on the inside of the hardtops
aluminum extrusion so that the seals would rest on the cowl with the extrusion
sitting around the cowl with no seals visible from the outside.

If anyone has experience in installing new seals, I would appreciate your
advice before I start gluing.

Thanks, Bryan

Maybe I am too dumb, but things are still not clear, even after checking all
Your pics around the sealings.

Ok, here how I see the things. We have 3 parts of the hardtop:
- rear part, which sits on the cockpit moulding
- front part, which sits on the windscreen frame
- the two side parts above and around the windows

What kind of rubbers and what sequence to use there. Unfortunatly the pics I
have looked at today are not using the same pattern. My "original" item has
rubers which I dont see on the pics.

Soo here is my version soo far:
- rear part. the two thick pads go to the are there the retaining stick is
located (corner). Plain rubber glued on the alloy between the two pads. The
spec. profile (27H9597) is glued on the top of the plain rubber between the
pads. U profile finisher goes on the inner edge of the alloy.
- front part: 27H9597 (?) glued on the alloy,  U profile finisher on the
inner edge. Two small thin plain rubber stripes glued on each corner to
protect pillars from scratching.
- Side part: same as front.

Or? Do I got it wrong?

- side part: same as front.

Sent from my iPad

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