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[Healeys] antifreeze

Subject: [Healeys] antifreeze
From: bspidell at comcast.net (Bob Spidell)
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2017 00:01:44 +0200 (CEST)
References: <20170819185346.24101.qmail@server278.com>
I'd stick with green stuff (Prestone, Zerex, etc.).  Have heard of problems 
mixing different types/colors, up to and including gelling of the liquids.  If 
you were to install, you'd probably want to flush all evidence of any earlier 
type of AF before changing to a different type.  Some AFs are for iron blocks, 
some for aluminum and some--like Prestone--say 'for all engine types.'   Plus, 
green AF is available pretty much everywhere, and MB stuff may possibly only be 
sold by dealers and requires payment of your first-born.


Bob Spidell - San Jose, CA

>     On August 19, 2017 at 8:53 PM healeymanjim <healeymanjim at hansencc.net> 
> wrote:
>     have a gallon of mercedes benz antifreeze given to me by a neighbor. can 
> this be used in a healey. have always used
>     prestone, etc.
>     _______________________________________________
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