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[Healeys] Differential Locked addendum

Subject: [Healeys] Differential Locked addendum
From: rrengineer.mike at att.net (Michael MacLean)
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2017 01:28:00 +0000 (UTC)
References: <688191261.125266.1506562080450.ref@mail.yahoo.com>
In addition to the output flange not moving except for about an inch of 
rotation back and forth both axles were slipped in place just to check 
movement.? You can rotate the axle flange through complete rotation and the 
opposite flange turns in the opposite direction, but the output flange does not 
move.? What did I do wrong putting the pumpkin in the axle casing?? The output 
shaft would turn easily while the pumpkin was out.? I know I am going to have 
to take the pumpkin our again, but how did I put it in wrong?Mike MacLean
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