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Re: Snow vs. cold

Subject: Re: Snow vs. cold
From: Chuck Rothfuss <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 22:48:33 -0500

  We only got about 4" here on the Coast, but it was enough to put plenty of
the natives in the ditches.  Having grown up in the white stuff I had a
couple great days test driving customers cars.  Lots of opportunities to
test traction control and ABS systems!!  Surprisingly the county actually
has some snow removal equipment and salt trucks this time. (used to be we
just waited for a thaw)  Latest report is 20 tons of sand and 40 tons of
salt spread on the main roads.  I can think of better places to put the
salt, but it makes me glad I drive a $50 car to work every day.  With all
the snow on the roads it wasn't too hard to imagine being on the salt, even
sliding along at 35 MPH. 

Cheap Chuck Rothfuss
Pole Cat Hollow, NC

At 09:11 PM 1/25/2000 -0700, Wester S Potter <> wrote:
>So how about a snow depth report from the East Coast?  You told us about
>record cold ... nothing coming through on record snow amounts.  You all must
>either be sitting it out and waiting to shovel just once or you are busy
>shoveling trying to stay ahead of the storm.
>FYI 670,000 tons of salt pumped back on the salt surface in November and

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