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Re: Engine Turned Aluminum

Subject: Re: Engine Turned Aluminum
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 14:24:55 EST
Keith, That brings me back to the days in the Bugatti Restoration shop!!!!! 
That was on of my jobs! It is REAL simple, like roofing a house BORING! What 
we had was a guide that was made from a stpip of aluminum wasbe three feet 
lond 1/4 thick, think of a yardstick. every 1/2" or so  you came in with an 
endmill and made the ^-^-^-^-^-^-(damn, I'm good just figured that out) 
guide. Next thing is the tool to fit in your electric drill. It was 
home(shop)made a universal joint that attached to a 1/4 shaft maybe three 
inches long. The guide was screwed to a 2X4 and spaced out so the tool would 
clear it. We would use an arbor punch to knock out disks from conveyor 
belting ant there were glued to the tool. Hope a haven't lost the tour yet. 
Now this is where is gets good. Take a piece of plywood, good stuff 3/4 inch  
say 4x3 whatever size that id bigger than the panel to be turned. Oh, this is 
getting long, sorry. Mark off both sides say 3/8-1/2 increments. the size of 
the circle your turning determines this. Get a sheel of fairly hard aluminum 
be sure is is oversize to the piece you are turning. Screw the sheet to the 
plywood, buy a gallon cam of valve gringing compound, it comes in different 
grits. Cover the entire sheet with compound, set the guide in place remember 
the side markings. NUMBER THEM!!!!! Then start spinning the tool in the 
comound and repete all the way down the guide. Once you come to the end 
unclamp the guide(used C clamps) and move the guide up and OVER one hole. 
This gives tou the stagger. Sad thing is once you start you cans stop and go 
back becouse the circles are overlapped. Hope this us understandable. 
........Now about my seat time in the SoAl Special. Bob in Sunny Connecticut

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