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Re: New Car Procedures

To: "Keith Turk" <>, "Rick Byrnes"
Subject: Re: New Car Procedures
From: "rgribble" <>
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 19:39:53 -0700
"What I think" is that we have enough rules at present. The new cars are
inspected at Tech, but I would bet that the problems that were experienced
this past meet were things that could not have been detected at Inspection.
I doubt very much that a low speed run would have detected them (blown
engines etc.) As for other problems you can inspect the car but not the
driver, a guy that handles a car well at 100 might be something different at
200 and you don't know that until he does it.

(licensing procedures aside) Personally, more low speed runs would be a
waste of time for the officials and for me. There is a long wait the first 3
days and additional runs would only add to the wait time. All in all, things
do run smoothly for the job at hand and I couldn't come up with any
suggestion to make it any quicker. (except go alphabetically and I'd change
my name to Abba)

Grib, who always has an opinion but seldom expresses it.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Keith Turk" <>
To: "Rick Byrnes" <>; "Dave Dahlgren"
<>; <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2001 10:46 AM
Subject: New Car Procedures

> Ya know what.... We may have a New rule in the making.... or at least a
> Proposition for a new rule....
> I don't know why we couldn't follow the current Lic. proceedures.  I can
> the downside to wearing out a Silver Bullet Motor.... but is that the
> we need in the car in the first place if it's new?
> the other side of this might be to actually limit the first pass to say
> 100mph and only 2 miles.... and then we could jump in 50 mph increments?
> thereby protecting the motor but still making a Maiden pass under power
> What ya think?

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