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Re: MG TD/TF Pistons for sale

To: Mark J Bradakis <>,
Subject: Re: MG TD/TF Pistons for sale
From: Dennis E Nelson <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 16:35:44 -0400
Mark, I also have a set of pistons for sale, but they are for a TA MPJG
engine, standard 2.5"bore.   These are used but of new quality.   Minus
rings, of course.  The first $50.00 plus postage from Virginia takes them

Dennis Nelson

At 03:43 PM 7/14/99 -0600, Mark J Bradakis wrote:
>So I've dug up a couple sets of MG pistons.  I'm a Triumph guy, it seems
>unlikely I'll use these TD/TF pistons.
>AE Heoplite aluminum pistons, 4 ring style, with an oil control ring below
>the wrist pin.  The AE number is RS-14136.  Penciled on the side of the box
>is TD/TF, I'm not familiar enough with MG stuff to positively identify these.
>One set is 2.6181 inches, plus 30 over.  The other set is identical, except
>40 over.  If you need me to measure any of the dimensions, let me know.
>I'm asking $100 per set of 4, plus postage from Salt Lake City.
>$175 if you take both sets, save a few bucks!

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