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RE: convention

To: Jim Stuart <>, V8 list <mgb-v8@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: RE: convention
From: Larry Hoy <>
Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 23:57:57 -0600
Importance: Normal
In-reply-to: <>
Reply-to: Larry Hoy <>
Sender: owner-mgb-v8@Autox.Team.Net
Hi Jim, I'll be there.  At this point my wife Kathy will be coming
too.  We won't be driving, way to far.......

As far as the camera goes, I'll pass.  I plan on bringing my trusty
35mm with me, and maybe a video camera.  But heck don't let that stop
you, go ahead, buy the thing.  Then let us all know how you like it!
This is one of those situations where since it's your $700 it's easy
for me to recommend you spend it.

See ya in July!

PS you might want to look at the Kodak 210 before you buy.

Larry Hoy; Denver, CO. USA
1969 MGB Roadster
1987 Jaguar XJ6 VDP
"It's not how fast you go, it's how fast you go fast"

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On
> Behalf Of Jim Stuart
> Sent: Thursday, June 04, 1998 9:39 PM
> To: V8 list
> Subject: convention
> Just a reminder that the V8 Convention is getting closer.
> If you have
> not registered yet, it would be good to do so now. This
> will give Kurt
> and others a better idea of how many are coming, and allow
> us to do a
> better job of organizing.
> A schedule of events & a registration form, as well as
> other info is at
> my web page,
> On another, related subject, I would like to know if there is any
> interest in having pictures of your cars taken with a
> digital camera.
> These pictures could be loaded directly into your computer.
> There is a
> relatively new camera out that stores pictures directly on
> a floppy, & I
> am considering the purchase. As a way to recoup a little of
> the cost,
> about $700.00, I was considering "renting"  the camera
> including 1 or 2
> flopies, to whomever would like to take pictures. It has close-up
> capabilities, so engine detail, etc. could be captured. I am no
> photographer, so you would be taking your own pictures.
> Any comments pro or con? Too crass a comercial venture?
> What would it be
> worth?
> Thanks,
> Jim Stuart

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