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V8 Newsletter Status

To: mgb-v8@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: V8 Newsletter Status
From: "James J." <>
Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2005 00:36:12 -0500
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References: <>
Reply-to: "James J." <>
Sender: owner-mgb-v8@Autox.Team.Net
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Happy New Year to you all. Just a quick update for you all:

1) Could still use some more material for the January issue, so keep sending things in.
2) I'm converting the business operation from (don't laugh) Avery Label Maker to Quick Books with Customer Manager. This wasn't cheap, but it's hard to keep track of all the e-mails and calls I get on a weekly basis with label-making software. Between my poor short-term memory and the time I spend on the road, I haven't been giving you all the focus you deserve (after all, you are paying for this newsletter), so hopefully this software will make it easier to track all my outstanding actions. Unfortunately Avery and Quick Books won't talk to one-another, so I have to re-enter all the data by hand, so please be patient.
3)Along those lines, please be patient if I haven't responded to a particular issue that you may have contacted me about. Feel free to pester me again if you care to remind me.
4) I've been updating the WebPage this week, and hopefully, by the end of the month, I'll be ready to post it on line. The old pages are still up for now. This is the first step towards making all the old issues available online to people who were a subscriber when it was published. In other words, of you started subscribing in 1997, you'll have access to all the issues back to '97. Also, in time, I'd like to make individual back-issues for sale on-line for new subscribers and over-seas subscribers.

5)Kurt Schley, the Founding Father of this newsletter has volunteered to take over the social callendar for the newsletter and web-site.

6) and Finally, as there have been so many questions about this particular topic: The newsletter will no longer be published free on the internet, and it hasn't been for nearly a year. As all of the issues/concerns that originaly led to the free .pdf 's on the web-site have been resolved, we have returned to the original format of a paid suscriber base. For those who prefer the downloads, I can always mail the issues to you until I get a password-protected download system established on the web-site.

Happy 2005 to all of you! I plan on having the January issue out the last week of the month.
Best Wishes,
James Jewell

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